
  • This Is The Sick That Never Ends

    Two things that make a parent’s ears bleed in the car: “Are we there yet?” and “This is the song that never ends”…..Well, I’m pretty sure that the only thing to make MY ears bleed, is “Mrs. Martin, this is… Continue reading

  • A Patch a Day, Keeps the Psychiatrist Busy

    In the fall, Greyson was switched from a normal clonidine prescription, to an extended release dose. The pill had to be swallowed whole and would release the medications over the course of 24 hours. We thought that sounded great and… Continue reading

  • Pickle Chips and Peppermints

    Greyson has always been a difficult eater. I would say “picky”, but I know he likes (or has liked) a variety of foods in the past. Some of these foods include salt and vinegar chips, chicken nuggets and chocolate. Most… Continue reading

  • The Devil’s Holiday

    Halloween- also known as “All Hollow’s Eve”, “All Saint’s Eve” or “The Devil’s Holiday”, has many different traditions and meanings among people of faith, different religions and spiritualists. Though the traditions among different faiths and cultures may be drastically different,… Continue reading

    The Devil’s Holiday
  • Screw You “22

    Looking back at previous posts, I believe I stated that 2020 was the worst year ever. Many things come to mind when I think of 2020: losing my job, covid lockdowns, mom being diagnosed, just to name a few. I… Continue reading

    Screw You “22