
  • The Fine Line

    When a family or person calls into CADD to request an evaluation or services, I am the first person the requestor will speak to. Most calls generally last about 7-10 minutes each because it takes awhile to obtain the information… Continue reading

  • The Waiting Game

    I am notorious for being the most impatient person in the world. I have such a difficult time waiting for things that I know are important and need to get done. I have always been impatient, which negatively effected me… Continue reading

  • Rush Hour

    Never again will I EVER make an appointment in Baltimore after 3 PM. Also, never again will I EVER bring Roslynn along with us. As if Greyson’s crying for an hour wasn’t hard enough, Roslynn decided to give us a… Continue reading

  • Goodbye summer, hello fall.

    November will mark one full year since we began our diagnosis journey. Though we are getting closer and have some pieces to the puzzle complete, there’s still a long way to go. Greyson has adjusted well to his doubled dose… Continue reading

  • Side Effects

    We started Greyson on his anticonvulsant, Trileptal on Friday evening. Saturday morning, we gave him the second dose 12 hours after, as directed. Derek and I did not notice any changes Friday, but Saturday morning we experienced a strange side… Continue reading