
  • Tick, Tick…..ZzzZZzz

    Alas, another school year is complete and we are officially into summer solstice as of today! Our days are getting longer, the sun is shining brighter and the mid-Atlantic area is fully embracing the first heatwave of the season. Roslynn… Continue reading

  • Rumble in the Jungle

    Once the holidays are finally over and the groundhog makes his (or her) predictions, I typically just gracefully fall into Spring. Especially years like this one when Easter is “early” and is in March, I tend to lose track of… Continue reading

  • ‘Twas the Night Before

    Autism Night Before Christmasby Cindy Waeltermann Twas the Night Before ChristmasAnd all through the houseThe creatures were stirringYes, even the mouse We tried melatoninAnd gave a hot bathBut the holiday jittersThey always distract The children were finallyAll nestled in bedWhen… Continue reading

  • Birthdays, Babies and Breaks

    Roslynn turns 8 years old on Memorial Day. Insane to think that this time 8 years ago, I was working full-time and believing that I had 6 weeks until my due date. Little did I know, I’d be giving birth… Continue reading

  • A Patch a Day, Keeps the Psychiatrist Busy

    In the fall, Greyson was switched from a normal clonidine prescription, to an extended release dose. The pill had to be swallowed whole and would release the medications over the course of 24 hours. We thought that sounded great and… Continue reading