
  • A tic or not a tic….that is the question.

    About a month ago, Greyson began doing a strange flopping behavior where his upper body goes completely limp and he does a little twitchy jerking motion. In the above video right around 9 seconds, you can see G approach the… Continue reading

  • Dear World,

    I see you staring at me. I feel your judgmental eyes looking at me in the grocery store, the park and at the doctor’s office. I know you see the tears in my eyes as I am running after my… Continue reading

  • You win none, you lose many.

    Whether or not you have a child, spouse, significant other, etc., I think anyone can relate to this post. We all know the saying, “You win some, you lose some”, but my twist on this is, “You win none and… Continue reading

  • I saw the sign

    I used to loathe Ace of Base. My sister Amanda used to play the CD on repeat and it drove me crazy. I was always more of a Spice Girls kind of kid. I would set up my parent’s front… Continue reading

  • Mr. Derek Martin

    Many people that know me, know that I am a firm believer in the saying, whatever happens, happens. In October 2011, I was hired to be a soprano in the choir at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Lancaster City. Unbeknownst to… Continue reading